Taking the competition one notch higher the designers are introduced to 1980's glitz and glamorama legend Bob Mackie, aka The "Sultan of Sequins." He singlehandedly discovered the sequin, and with it he's dressed larger than life divas such as Cher, Diana Ross, and Liza Minnelli. The designers must create a super extravagant stage look-we're talking going way over the top people!! And now for the fun part: The designers must create their OTT look for none other than stage queen herself Christina Aguilera! (I'm so proud my sister totally guessed that one).

It's feathers, beads, and sequins galore as the designers run rampant at MOOD picking up the shiniest and featheriest trims they can find. Back in the workroom the designers are giddy with glitter as Nikolas yaps about having only 4 challenges left, Gordana is still frazzled even though she has immunity (which really comes in handy later on), and Carol Hannah goofs off with the boys...Meanwhile Althea is out to win, and Christopher is still going on and on about what he's got planned for his design...yaaaawn...
Tim sweeps into the workroom for critique time and here are some of his thoughts:
Althea's look: "Christina isn't going to pop out of a pumpkin you know!!"
Nikolas' look: " I have deja vu, it looks like your last winning creation"
Carol Hannah's look: "Could be major wow factor"
Shirin's look: "Looks like Guinevere meets Vampira. Looks like student work." (Tim hates it and some tears ensue)

By the way what the hell is Logan making? zebra print with black monkey fur and chains?? In the meantime Logan waxes on about Carol Hannah's poetic yapping while Carol Hannah is distracted by Logan's hotness. Riveting. Carrying on, I have to agree with Irina just this once, that all the designers are going nuts. Sounds like it's time for bed...
The next day Nikolas lets us in on a little secret: Irina's a biatch. Like we didn't know already. Tim announces it's time to stop working and it's off to the runway but no one is paying attention. I'm chuckling as Tim begs: "Is anyone listening to me?" Love him.

On the runway the judges are waiting to skewer the designers yet again this week. And wait, Nina is back!! It's really her! And an even bigger surprise: Christina Aguilera steps out from behind the screen looking all red pouty lips and diva! And now for the runway: First of all I love Carol Hannah's black paillette gown with feathers. It could have been more colorful, but it's glamorous and stage worthy and the judges love it. Meanwhile Heidi calls Shirin's dress a witchy Halloween costume, and Nina calls it a disconnected Carmen Miranda moment. How true. Meanwhile Althea's shimmering grey and gold gown is a total show stopper and Mr. Mackie is actually impressed and thinks the construction is really clever. Christina herself seems pleased with it and isn't that all we can hope for.

Next up is Christopher who yaps on with a long winded story about imagining Christina covering a Cyndi Lauper song. Please stop talking Chris. Making a long story short his 'Scarecrow' look of go-go dancer shorts and cheap-looking corset is a hideous mess. Mr. Mackie rips Chris' pride a new one as he says he's seen better corsetry. Ouch. On a positive note Christina thinks Nikolas' dress is super fun and pretty and has great movement which is perfect for her wild dance moves, and Mr. M just loves the feathers. And now for Logan, who says his look is something Mr. Mackie hasn't done yet, and there's a darn good reason for that. It's pretty hideous even though it has a pretty hot pink lining which no one can see. I am pondering just how Logan is still in the competition by the way? He's in the bottom 5 every week and I wonder if he even has hair under that cocoon hat he wears....Oh wait, he actually uncovers it this week for a minute. Poor guy, it's thinning. Put the hat back on...

And the winner of this challenge is Carol Hannah!!! Well done, you deserve it as you actually made something worthy of Bob Mackie's grandiose visions. Am loving the furious guitar playing in the background.
And now for the losers. Christopher and Shirin are in the bottom two, and I swear Chris has GOT to be kicked off. I've had enough of his boring drivel and tacky taste and...Wait, Shirin is Out. WHAT????? So Shirin's dress was more saloon than glitzy diva, but at least it was a dress!!! I think either the judges have been sipping some absynthe or this show is fixed. Mr. Mackie's actually ok'ing sequined shorts? Christopher, though nice guy that he is, has been ripped a new one for the past three weeks, so what's he still doing here?

Photos courtesy of mylifetime.com
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