Below: Girl meets boy...I love the look, there's something even more charming and alluring to see woman in man's inspired style!

Below: An oversized shirt as a skirt? Sexy!

Girl Meets Boy
The world is unfair. When boys get into woman's clothes, we look like drag queens and a sorry sight that is very frowned upon. But when girls borrow pieces from their boyfriend's wardrobe, they simply look confident, whimsical and fun! (I guess fashion is the natural playground for the fairer gender. Woman are born to be fashionistas:-P) Less 'bimbo', more brains? Less demure, more strong? Girl meets boy style just has all the positive implications. And if dressing head to toe in boyfriend styles becomes overwhelming, mix it around with some feminine pieces and still look fabulous.
As a key trend this season...'Girl meets Boy' dressing is big now. Many top fashion magazines are propagating the trend, from French to Vogue Japan to local top fashion magazines, Style. If that is not enough to convince you, we also see many fashionistas dressing the part during the recent fashion week. I think this is one of the best trends to happen during tough economic times. Ladies can just grab their 'new clothes' from their boyfriend's closet and save much on fashion expenditure:-P
So what are you waiting for? There's a 'fashion treasure trove' waiting somewhere in your boyfriend's closet. Blazers, trousers, pants... The only thing left is who gets to wear what on the same day?:-P
Source: AltamiraNYC, Wayne Tippetts, The Sartorialist
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