Below: I love the photography and Clément Chabernaud, not so much can be said about the entire collection. D.I.Y will suffice to achieve the styles:-P Perhaps the olive drab camouflage ripped detail jeans in this shot might be worth investing...

Below: Buy a topshop tee and start cutting holes! Wash it 20 times before wearing:-P

Below: This jacket is also my favourite but it reminds me of Balenciaga's Spring Summer 2008 collection. But I like the design on the back shoulder. An open flap which is kinda interesting.

Below: My favourite look of the whole collection...blazer and sweatpants...

Below: Christopher Decarnin...his own style reflects what he shows on his Balmain Homme collection.

Balmain Homme Spring Summer 2010...More Pics...
Further to my previous post about Balmain's new Spring Summer 2010 Menswear Lookbook, here more from the series featuring Clément Chabernaud and shot by Karim Sadli.
I would say not all the pieces are worthy of paying such a premium for. Most are so distressed and 'normal' that you can probably save a tonne of money by having some creative D.I.Y at home.
But the inspiration from the lookbook is priceless. Achievable style that lends a sense of individuality and easy carefree spirit. A 'devil may care' sensibility. I think I love the concept of sweat pants with a blazer and boots. Somehow Karim Sadli captures that mood and induces that yearning to replicate the look that Clément is wearing. Power of persuasion from good photography and beautiful model:-P
Source: Sartorialist, Balmain
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