Below: Look #01 - The scarf and oversize man bag makes a huge difference to break up the
monotony of an all black ensemble:-)

Below: Look #02 - I like the longer length protruding out from the fitted dark grey peacoat. The skinny jeans and boots creates slim silhouette and the hat adds charm:-P

Below: Look #03 - The short sleeves of the blazer is unconventional:-) I like that long slouchy knit underneath too:-)

Below: Look #04 -What's that ribbed band over his boots? Reminds me of those boots worn by comic super heroes:-P The B&W big checks scarf pops amongst the black:-)

Below: Look #05 - '3 piece suit' elegant dressing, except the jacket has been replaced by a trench coat. I like it! Perfect for those cold wet weathers:-)

Below: Look #06 - Nothing beats leather when it comes to insulation against cold!

Below: Look #07 - If all black is too grim for about greys?
His jacket collar is very unique!

Below: Look #08 -Preppy style but not stuffy...the skinny black jeans lends
a modern edge to the look:-)

'Dark' Knights...
Lately, I am into dark colours. Quite a few black and dark coloured pieces are amassing in my wardrobe. Seems totally appropriate for Fall Winter season where the mood and weather is more solemn. Dark colours also gives a sense of invincibility to the wearer, like an armor that will protect you from the 'harshness' of the city's concrete and steel.
Hence to generate inspirations for the dark coloured pieces I got from the sales recently ...I went online to do some research. Look what I have found:-) I am inspired now:-)
Dun we all love the allure and mystery of black...:-P
So which is your favourite look and why?
Source: Wunderbloc
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