Some of the hottest blog posts of the week covering everything fashionably green, eco, and cruelty-free in fashion and beauty...
-The Fashionable Housewife is giving away Tarte MultiplEYE Lash Enhancer. Enter for a chance to win!!!
-Factio Magazine checks out Chicago's newest luxury, eco-friendly hotel and all of their high-end restaurants! Check out theWit!
-Fashion Fille tells us about the extremely generous giveaway Earth Friendly Products is doing! Learn more about it, and enter to win!
-FashionPulseDaily is really digging the recycled metal jewelry of Alex and Ani!
-One dress, a great cause & countless looks. Fashiontribes tries it on for size.
-Looking Sharp! is discoveringChickdowntown’s new vintage collection
-My Beauty Bunny shows you how to get gorgeous, healthy, post-beach hair!
-Posh Swaps loves the frugality, sustainability and style of Zero waste fashion.
-RedPoppy Fashion loves the pretty and lightweight reusable bags from ENVIROSAX.
-What do Maggie Gyllenhaal, Emma Watson and Rosie Huntingon-Whiteley have in common outside of being gorgeous superstars? Gorgeous skin thanks to MV Organics.[Runway To Retail]
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