Marni Lambskin Soft Leather Bag (Thrown away due to discolouration)
I was not a fan of this Marni bag when I first saw this on the shelf of Club 21 Mens at Four Season Hotel. However, after sacrificing my public holiday for work in March 2007, I am in need of 'retail therapy'! I remember seeing a pic of a cool guy from the Sartorialist's pictures(covering Spring 2007 men's show in Milan and Paris) carrying a nice soft 'briefcase' format bag with a shoulder strap. So I decided to check out this Marni bag a second time.
To my surprise, I really like it on second look. The colours were a slight dusty green and it was the first removable shoulder strap bag I got. Seeing I have not own a bag of this style and colour, coupled with the soft lambskin...I went ahead to buy it. Even got a matching Marni bag accessory later to match the bag.
Marni utilises vegetable dyes for their leather goods. So it ages and colours changed after a certain period of time. A bag of a colour like greyish green when colour changed, can look a bit mouldy if the shade does not aged favorably. And that is what happens to this bag of mine. The handles is now in a very dark shade of olive drab. And the bag body is slight yellowish grey. An odd combination of colours which I find myself liking the bag less. Plus the shoulder strap is made of a very soft nylon material while the buckles is very heavy. So it droops down, sagging in a way I don't fancy. I think the strap should have a stiffer material like my other black Marni bag (see My Bag Collection #03). Maybe I am not used to bags and colours changing to this kind of extent. It seems Marni bags are not very lasting in quality.
This is not the first Marni bag that has given me problems. Will post a write up about the other bag soon:-)
Retail price: SGD $1619. Where to buy: Club 21 Mens at Four Seasons Hotel
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