I got my Balenciaga Short Pants!
I knew I have never fared too well against the temptations of beautiful clothes. I subcumb to my weakness for fashion and purchased these 3 items from Balenciaga yesterday.
1) Khaki 'Flared' Short Pants - These make you look like you are an old world explorer of the far east...or closer to hear, the police man shorts from old days, 1940s Singapore? Nevertheless, they were cute. Love the fabric, colour and detailing. The construction is so complex when you look at it up close. I hope I can pull it off without looking ridiculous. I need those boots! Or Philip Lim's Gladiator Sandals!
2) Beige 3 Quarter 'Jodhpur' Style Pants - This is a longer version of the short pants. In the same design. Different colour. But it gives a totally different style when you wear it. Again, I am not sure how to work it. On its own, it looks awesome and 'cute' in a way. But wonder how I can fit it with my other pieces in my wardrobe. It's a gamble. I did pay big bucks for this pants.
3) 'B' Buckle Camel Coloured Belt - Lovely antique finish brass buckle. More shiny than the pic shows. Lovely colour as well. The white stitching on the egdes of the belt is charming.
Retail price:
1) Balenciaga Khaki 'Flared' Short Pants - SGD $899
2) Balenciaga Beige 3 Quarter 'Jodhpur' Style Pants - SGD $969
3) Balenciaga 'B' Buckle Camel Coloured Belt - SGD $469
Where to buy: Club 21 Mens at Four Seasons Hotel
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