DSquared2 Khaki Shorts
This was the pair of DSquared2 shorts I tried on Wednesday. Very fitting for me and short enough to catch on the spring summer 2008 trend.:-) Shorts that go above the knee. Goes great with any summer outfit and my new Marni shoes! I especially like the extra flap on the zipper to hide the zips..but sort of looking like 'an armor' for the 'jewels' beneath. Extra protection? It draws the eyes to that area as well:-P
But I pulled back at the last minute cos I was planning to get the balenciaga pair which is amore tailored look with volume. But I have been thinking about this pair of D2 shorts since yesterday...so I may just pick it up while I can(D2 sells out fast!) on Saturday when the shops reopen after the new year holidays:-P
The pics show the shorts in a darker brown colour...however, the one I tried is much nicer, in a khaki colour.
Retails at SGD$699 at Club 21 mens.
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