If I Have SGD$1000 Part 2: Chanel Enameled Metal Brooches With Glass Pearls (Set of 3)
Will you pay SGD$990 for 3 tiny jacket pins (About 2.5cm in size) made of enameled metal with one tiny little 'diamond' stud (Which I am pretty sure it's just crystal)? Even if you have S$1000 to spare, will you pay this price at all? I never knew metal costs this much...
Remember you can buy either an Hermès belt or bracelet or Losange scarf or Louis Vuitton Messenger Sandals or Shirt (plus many other luxury options) with SGD$1000.
I would if I am insane enough. Or if I strike lottery or I have a sugar daddy gifting me. Unfortunately none of the above happened for me. So I left Chanel store without these cute little pins with a enormous price tag. What say you, will you take the plunge? It's distinctively Chanel though...
(BTW, these are Valentine's day gift selections from Chanel)
Source: Chanel
Price: SGD $990. Where to buy: Chanel Boutique at Ngee Ann City
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