Raf Simons Show Style Bag
Hmm, I could not make up my mind if I like this Raf Simons Show Style bag or not. On one hand I love the use of materials other than your usual leather and canvas for bags, and on the other hand, the design is not exactly fresh and new to make it worth buying.
However, one thing is for sure, I love the marble textured effect on the bag. That I have to admit is very interesting and unique. The black and grey colour scheme also makes it very fall winter season.
This weekend 'holdall-style' bag is made from heavy duty woollen felt(I applaud Raf Simons for experimenting with more unique materials) and leather. It features a middle zip compartment if you want more security and 2 side open ones for easy access of your bag contents. The roomy bag also has a leather base with metal stud feet to minimise abrasion.
I leave it to you guys to figure if this bag is something you would fall in love with:-) or not.
Retail price: UK 889 pounds. Where to buy: www.oki-ni.com
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