On monday(21 Jan 2008) while clearing my leave, I head out to Orchard Road to enjoy a quiet shopping experience:-) and bearing the thought of enjoying coffee in the afternoon while all my friends are working. It feels incredible.
so while walking towards Takashimaya from Wisma Atria, I was 'chased' after by a panting 'filipino' girl(at least that is what I gathered). She was looking frantic since I was on my headphones and I did not hear her till she catches up with me. She promptly introduced herself and ask if I wanted to be a model with her agency. Handed me her namecard, with the company website www.createtalents.com. I was kinda skeptical since this could be some ploy to unsuspecting model wannabe. But still flattering in a way considering I was in my geeky glasses. hahaha. Gave her my number and surprisingly, she called the following day to arrange for an interview. I had check the website and it look really professional done. But working as an art director, I knew it takes more than looks ot model..and I dun think I can ever pose with ease in front of the camera. So I chicken out and ask to call her back which of course I did not. :-) but nonetheless, a very flattering experience. At least, I knew I was talent spotted:-) hahaha.
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