Thursday, October 21, 2010

wallpaper I won the Prolific Blog Award - Prolific? Me? I don't understand why anybody would think of me as prolific because I do my best, all I can not to talk

wallpaper wallpaper I wonder why the title has a certain amount of characters that we can not exceed. What if we want to give a synopses of what is in the post? The title would be more... I will write a post about it.
Now I want to thank Herrad for this award. Almost all awards I have came from her and this is an extra bonus because she is quite a woman.
I will come back after lunch to pass my list.
Thank you Herrad.
I think of these awards as something that unite bloggers and an opportunity of telling others that we appreciate them.
This is the first list:

Mariane at Anthing goes :)
Shoaib at Smaleque's Blog
Tommaso at Emgrammi
Bellestina at Elegy of the Euphoric .
I know that some bloggers don't like putting awards at their sites but I'm choosing some of them to show I like them. They understand.


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