Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My MANy Bags News #08

Saks 2 Day Online Sale for Spring 2008

Can you believe it? It's starting already...spring summer 2008 markdowns has started at Saks! I wish I am living in US...it would have been another shopping spree for me:-) But this time, way ahead of anyone else for Spring Summer 2008 merchandise markdowns. And the discount is not stingy..it's a hefty 40%! WOW!

So if any guys in US is reading this...go shop shop shop! I am envious. Wonder when will Singapore get the sale season started for the luxury stores. Hopefully soon. I am getting reluctant to buy Spring Summer items at full price now.

For Singapore guys who cannot wait till the actual sale season, Club 21 is having a 20% discount storewide this labour day weekend. As well as CK Calvin Klein for 15%. It's better than nothing. So remember to check out the stores this weekend.


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